Can I try Monolith before I buy it?
Absolutely, you can get started with a free 30-day trial of Monolith and have access to the full platform.
Is data stored in Monolith encrypted?
Yes! All data stored in Monolith is encrypted at rest and in transit using strong cryptographic protocols including TLS 1.2+ for HTTPS (data Transport) and AES-256 for at-rest data storage.
Where is Monolith hosted?
Monolith is hosted in AWS in various endpoints based on region. Most customers are hosted in the AWS GovCloud East region.
Is my data co-mingled with other customers data?
No, each Monolith customer is assigned a Monolith "tenant" which stores your data and files in a segregated location. Basically, you will get your own database and file storage location within Monolith's cloud infrastructure.
Can I export a copy of all my data stored in Monolith?
Yes, at any time you can make a support request to receive an archive of your Monolith data in the form of a database SQL dump file along with a ZIP archive of files uploaded to Monolith.
Does Monolith implment multi-factor authentication?
Yes! By default, all users are required to use an authenticator app associated with their device in addition to their password to log in to Monolith. MFA can be disabled for a user if requested.
Is Monolith available for on-premises deployments?
On-premises deployment is available for customers that require it. Set up assistance may require a one-time fee. On-Premises installs typically require a Windows 10 or Ubuntu 20 system with Docker installed.
Is multi-year licensing available?
Yes, customers can purchase up to 3 years of licensing for Monolith.
Does Monolith support Role based access controls and Single-Sign On?
Yes, Monolith has default user roles and customizable roles with specifically chosen permissions including fine-grained access to case related data. Single sign on is also available to manage user access.